Money Minder UK

How much does life insurance cost?

It's almost impossible to put a fixed price on life insurance because it depends on so many factors.

While most companies will offer similar policies there is so much range within these that the only sure way to know how much life insurance will cost you is to get a quote.

The main factors that affect the cost of a life insurance plan include -

Other more personal details that affect cost are -

Most providers will also want to know about your family, in particular if there's a history of cancer or hereditary diseases for example.

If you are concerned about your own or your family's medical history and feel that it may be a detrimental factor when underwriters calculate the cost of the life insurance plan you wish to take out, you may be better off applying to a number of providers at the same time to ensure that you get the best possible price for the cover you require.

Next: How much cover do I need?

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