Money Minder UK

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The cost of early withdrawal from your pension

The cost of early withdrawal from your pension

Tuesday, 22 October 2024 -

Unexpected medical expenses, the desire to pay off debts or the need for additional income to support a particular lifestyle can drive retirees to access their pension savings earlier than planned.

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The future of retirement

The future of retirement

Thursday, 17 October 2024 -

The most notable shift between past and future retirement perceptions is a substantial increase in individuals never fully retiring because they want or need to continue working.

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Autumn Budget Statement 2024

Autumn Budget Statement 2024

Tuesday, 15 October 2024 -

The Autumn Budget will outline the government’s economic strategy, providing insights into their taxation, public spending and fiscal policy plans.

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Changing retirement trends

Changing retirement trends

Thursday, 10 October 2024 -

Many individuals are rethinking when and how they will retire. Instead of aiming for a traditional endpoint to their professional lives, they are exploring flexible work arrangements, part-time opportunities, and phased retirement plans that allow them to gradually reduce their workload while maintaining an active role in their careers

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Many Britons unaware of incorrect tax codes

Many Britons unaware of incorrect tax codes

Tuesday, 08 October 2024 -

Nearly a third (31%) of UK adults who have examined their tax code discovered errors at some stage, with 6% realising they were on the incorrect tax code within the last year[1].

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Building financial confidence in children

Building financial confidence in children

Thursday, 03 October 2024 -

Some parents dread talking to their children about money, others simply struggle to know how or at what age to begin.

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Retirees supporting family and friends financially

Retirees supporting family and friends financially

Tuesday, 01 October 2024 -

With financial pressures such as day-to-day living costs fuelled by inflation, expensive property, and education fees, retirees are increasingly expected to give their grown-up children, family members, and friends some financial help.

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Downsizing in later life

Downsizing in later life

Thursday, 26 September 2024 -

Data has revealed that while a third of over-45s (29%) say they have plans to downsize in the next five years, just 13% of over-75s have actually made the move[1].

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Only two-fifths of Britons know how to boost their Pension

Only two-fifths of Britons know how to boost their Pension

Tuesday, 24 September 2024 -

Pension saving can seem complicated and inaccessible for many people, but we should all be doing it as soon as we start working

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Minimise Inheritance Tax

Minimise Inheritance Tax

Thursday, 19 September 2024 -

You can pass a home to your spouse or registered civil partner when you die, and there’s no IHT to pay. Leaving the home to another person in your Will counts towards the estate’s value.

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Caring for grandchildren

Caring for grandchildren

Tuesday, 17 September 2024 -

Grandparents who care for grandchildren may be able to claim National Insurance (NI) credits to potentially increase their State Pension by thousands of pounds over the course of retirement.

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State pension awareness

State pension awareness

Thursday, 12 September 2024 -

According to new research[1], one in seven (14%) retirees receive less money from the state pension than expected.

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Young women and retirement

Young women and retirement

Tuesday, 10 September 2024 -

35% don’t know how much income they would need for a comfortable retirement, and nearly two in three (62%) young women are concerned about completely running out of money in retirement

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Financial planning conversations you need to have

Financial planning conversations you need to have

Tuesday, 03 September 2024 -

Parents of adult children are responsible for discussing their financial future—particularly retirement and estate planning.

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Quarter of retirees financially struggling despite paying off mortgage

Quarter of retirees financially struggling despite paying off mortgage

Thursday, 29 August 2024 -

Over a fifth—22%—of retirees surveyed were already reducing or stopping medication spending, 15% were skipping meals due to their financial situation, according to data from Senior Capital, which surveyed around 2,070 respondents.

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The importance of drafting a Will

The importance of drafting a Will

Tuesday, 27 August 2024 -

By taking the proactive step to draft a Will, you can protect your family from uncertainty and potential conflicts, ensuring that your legacy is preserved according to your exact intentions.

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Please be aware these articles are for general information purposes only and correct at time of printing. We will not accept responsibility for any errors made or actions taken by any readers that have acted on the information contained. Answers given are for guidance only and specific advice should be taken before acting on any of the suggestions made. All information is based on our understanding of current tax practices, which are subject to change. Always remember when investing, past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and the value of some investment units can fall as well as rise.