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Savings bug short-lived

In Brief: Savings bug short-lived

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Saving money can feel like an uphill struggle, yet when we are presented with a salary increase, this feels much more achievable. Research shows that the decision to save the extra money from a salary increase only lasts for one month before the intended monthly habit falls woefully by the wayside. When we have constant financial pressures it can feel like in the short term saving money can affect our standard of living. The key to successful saving is consistency and not adjust spending habits to reflect the new increased income from salary. One way employers can contribute to incentivising savings is via a Save More Tomorrow scheme. Employees commit to increasing their pension contributions as their pay goes up. Saving for retirement when only a few years away from doing so may be far too late for some, so keeping up saving habits could help to fund your retirement years.

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